Prof. Dr. Sadettin Ökten Şehir Düşünce Merkezi

City and Violence

Workshop Title

City and Violence


Workshop Conductor

Prof. Mazhar Bagli


Workshop Team

Prof. Mazhar Bagli, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aydin Aktay, Research Asst. Sumeyye Aydoğdu Kuzucu, Journalist Ahmet Tezcan, Director of Esenler District Social Service Center Omer Faruk Tunceroglu, Ebubekir Siddik Balci


Workshop Partners

Esenler Municipality, KTO Karatay University, Sakarya University


Executive Summary

Violence is a basic human impulse. The existence of instinctive violence does not mean that it is a legitimate act. Man has two kinds of knowledge: Knowledge of good and knowledge of evil. But man also has the will not to do evil. However, the human will can be manipulated by the socialization process, and violence can reflect itself in different ways. We see that the environments that produce and provoke violence, which is one of the most preoccupying issues in the world today, are relatively systematic. Contrary to what is expected in societies with a strong legal system, the fact that the course of violence is not changing indicates a worrying trend for humanity. In an atmosphere where there is no just legal system, it can be seen that violence deepens and especially affects the disadvantaged more. The best known way to prevent violence is to increase criminal sanctions. On the contrary, it is seen that studies of the agents in the socialization process of the individual also play an effective role in the prevention of violence.



Esenler, Urban, Social and Cultural Policy


Esenler Municipality, Prof. Sadettin Okten City Thinking Center and Its Relationship with Urbanism

Esenler Municipality City Thinking Center is a research and thinking institution that focuses on the city, urbanization, urban transformation, architecture and all causal relationships between the city and people. The problems faced by cities in today’s world are one of the most important subjects of study for this institution. Beyond the appreciation of the positive aspects of modernization, the fact that we are facing a serious negative face of modernization, violence, is at the forefront of the dilemmas in question. We see the spiral of violence growing uncontrollably and taking root in many areas, especially in some urban spaces. In order to change the direction, impact and consequences of this trend, there are academic studies that show that special socialization studies should be carried out for the individual/human in the same urban spaces. In this context, this workshop, which aims to investigate the impact of social and cultural activities carried out by Esenler Municipality on the prevention of violence in new urban spaces, has a field of study that is directly related to municipal services.


Original Value

First of all, it is necessary to take a step for the salvation of our minds, which are shaken every day by the news of violence that exceeds the limits of human tolerance. It is necessary to make an effort to study the subject and find solutions. In fact, this study is based on a thesis that sees violence as a natural impulse and assumes that man can be taught to control it through virtue and willpower. However, the common view today is that violence is a “bad” behavior that is learned later.


Aims and Objectives

The main purpose of this workshop is to study the impact of social and cultural activities carried out by Esenler Municipality on preventing violence encountered in new urban spaces. Various services offered to citizens living within the borders of Esenler Municipality; The study, which will be conducted through the contents, calendars and managers of the education provided, cultural activities and social events, aims to see the outcomes of the said policies.


Implementation Activities

The workshop will be based on two main pillars: The first one is the theoretical studies on the existence and controllability of violence and the other one is the evaluation and analysis of the social and cultural activities of Esenler Municipality in the context of violence. The theoretical framework and discussions will be prepared by the conductor while the other will be carried out together with the researchers.


Work Package

Evaluation meeting in month of April.

Field work in Esenler Municipality in June.


Place and Time

Esenler Municipality Prof. Sadettin Okten City Thinking Center


Project Participants

Project Team


Expenditure Items

Transportation and Accommodation, Copyright and Travel Allowance


Plan B

There is no need for a Plan B, as no obstacles to the workshop are foreseen.

Şehir Düşünce Merkezi