Prof. Dr. Sadettin Ökten Şehir Düşünce Merkezi

Animal Shelter Architecture Workshop – Design For Good Competition

Project Title

Animal Shelter Architecture Workshop – Design for Good Competition

Project Coordinator

Prof. Mazhar Bagli, Prof. Dr. Ebru Erdonmez

Project Team

Prof. Mazhar Bagli, Atty. Ozlem Zengin, Prof. Ebru Erdonmez, Dr. Cemil Arslan, Esra Nur Altundag, Rumeysa Boz, Merve Nur Ocaklı, Mucahit Sahin

Project Partners

Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education, Design Foundation of Turkiye, HAYTAP Animal Rights Federation, Istanbul University, Marmara Municipalities Association.


Executive Summary

Today, the basic components of the social structure are different from those of traditional times. We see that domestic animals are also included in the social structure as social actors. Undoubtedly, the relationship between humans and animals is one of the oldest known endeavors. In terms of anthropological discipline, culture is all the achievements of human beings against nature.

Animals, initially tamed by humans for work, protection, and basic needs, have come to play a very different role from these functions, especially in alleviating loneliness and satisfying emotional needs, which has become widespread with modernization and is one of the critical dilemmas of our time.

It is both a humanitarian and moral necessity to care for domesticated animals that can no longer meet their natural habitat and life needs. In this context, an environment-centered paradigm has begun to dominate over the anthropocentric paradigm, based on the thesis that it is not possible for humans alone to achieve a state of well-being, and at the same time, other living beings other than humans have at least as much rights and authority as humans.

Man’s concern for the well-being of other living beings has once again led him to develop a new policy based on his relationship with domestic animals, with whom he is always together.

The ability of animals that have been uprooted from their habitats to adapt to living with humans and to continue that life in a comfortable way depends on two things: Putting people’s attitudes towards animals on an ethical basis and creating a habitable physical environment for animals. In our country, the legal-ethical framework for animal rights has been set to a high standard, and now the physical environment must be restored to a high standard.

Our attitude toward animals is determined by religious and legal-moral rules. Our attitude towards their habitats is determined by our urban planning. In this context, we see that in addition to the animals that have become part of people’s lives in urban areas, there is also a dense presence of stray animals. Creating efficient and practical physical spaces for them is at least as important as legal regulations. In this sense, it is extremely important and valuable for the Esenler Municipality Prof. Sadettin Okten City Thinking Center, which is the most important think tank in Turkiye on the city and urbanization, to study this issue.

It is well known that the number of pets in homes and on the streets has increased dramatically. It is seen that this population will gradually increase and this issue will now be one of the main management topics of governments.

It is clear that the spaces to be created for animals deserve careful attention, so that stray animals can both shelter and live and share the same environment with humans in healthy conditions.

It is also clear that the works to be carried out within this framework will have a very important function and will be one of the pioneer projects of Esenler Municipality.

This work will be carried out in cooperation with the Design Foundation of Turkiye and the Provincial Directorate of National Education.


Esenler Prof. Sadettin Okten City Thinking Center and its connection with urbanism

One of the most important parameters determining social life in today’s world is urbanization. Cities are mechanisms that force people’s ideology into practices with which they do not agree. This situation causes serious cultural and intellectual problems, but it is not easy to get out of this dilemma. One of the most important steps to overcome this difficulty is to reinterpret or reposition nature and humanity.

By incorporating metaphysics, art, and mystery into our ontological connection to the universe, we make it bearable.

A new element of existence has entered into our relationship with the Universe, and this requires planning and organization.

In the world, stray animals have become part of urban life. In this sense, planning that contributes to the adaptation of animals to the cycle of urban life is inevitable.

This is because the new modern urban life affects all stakeholders. Stray animals in particular need to be studied more closely. Street animals are affected by the changes just like other stakeholders.

Today, it can be said that the main habitats of street animals are the public spaces of the city; streets, parks, squares, bazaars, marketplaces, mosque courtyards, etc. Any change and transformation in the city naturally affects other stakeholders who are part of this habitat. It is an inevitable responsibility of urbanism to make protective and inclusive plans for these creatures that live as part of the public space based on the existence of the street, just like other participants of the urban ecosystem. In this respect, the issue has a strong connection with urbanism. Especially for Esenler Municipality, which is the pioneer of urban transformation, this issue is extremely important.


Original Value

To date, many institutions and organizations have produced shelters and shelter units for animals in various forms and materials. For the first time, however, a design and planning is being attempted that takes into account four basic factors. The first is the historical coexistence of humans and animals and the accumulated knowledge of our culture on this subject. Secondly, within the framework of the dilemmas caused by modern urban life and the role of animals in it; thirdly, on the basis of the ethical and legal axis; and finally, in the context of the magic and charm of architecture. In addition, the theme is strengthened and grounded through a design competition.

In this sense, making the architecture of animal shelters one of the focal points of the reality of urbanism will be a subject that has been systematically addressed, perhaps for the first time. It is therefore clear that this is a highly innovative and original work.

In addition, one of the most unique aspects of the workshop is the attempt to include other components (children, youth, animal rights associations) in the process of finding solutions to existing public space problems in local governance.


Goals and Objectives

According to 2018 data, the number of cats and dogs in Istanbul that are not under the care of anyone is estimated to be around 300,000. Based on these data, it is estimated that the number of stray dogs in Turkiye is 10 million and this number is expected to reach 60 million in the next 10 years. As a reality and a stakeholder of the city, it is clear that new studies, living spaces and analyses should be carried out beyond the existing solutions for all living creatures living on the streets. The main objective of the workshop is to design the living and movement areas of animals according to their needs and to enable and draw attention to the dissemination of these practices.

In addition, through a design competition to be organized throughout the province, students are asked to design original, innovative and improvable habitats that will meet the needs of animals and make their lives easier, observing the daily lives of animals in their environment. The aim of this competition is to ensure that animals living in our environment, which have always been part of the city, have access to welfare living conditions, while at the same time ensuring that urban children gain sensitivity to the city and develop their design skills.


Implementation Activities

  • 6 Meeting
  • 2 Jury
  • “Design for Good” Animal Shelter Architecture Competition
  • Work schedule; work package
  • 06/21/2021 / Monday – 1st Meeting – Prof. Sadettin Okten City Thinking Center
  • 31/07/2021 / Saturday – 2nd meeting – Prof. Sadettin Okten City Thinking Center
  • 16/08/2021 / Monday – 3rd session – Design Foundation of Turkey
  • 08/12/2021 / Wednesday – 4th Meeting – Provincial Directorate of National Education
  • 09/02/2022 / Wednesday – Competition Announcement
  • 25/03/2022 / Friday – Contest Deadline
  • 01/04/2022 – Jury evaluation
  • May 2022 – Award ceremony and exhibition
  • June 2022 – Evaluation
Şehir Düşünce Merkezi