Prof. Dr. Sadettin Ökten Şehir Düşünce Merkezi

Dr. M. Cemil ARSLAN Science Committee Member

Dr. M. Cemil Arslan was born in 1972. He completed his undergraduate education at Gazi University, Department of Public Administration. He completed his master’s education at Marmara University Local Administrations and Decentralization Program and Beykent University International Economic and Political Management Program. Arslan completed his Ph.D. education at Marmara University Local Administrations and Decentralization Program. He started working in Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality in 1995 and served as auditor, director of expenses, head of financial services department and chairman of the board of directors of BELBIM Inc., BIMTAS Inc. and Istanbul Transportation Inc. In 2014, he was appointed as the Secretary General of the Marmara Municipalities Union.

City Thought Center